
Making Independent Software Testing Part of Your Success Strategy


Software testing is a process of executing an application with an intent of verifying and validating that the app is bug-free and meet clients’ requirements. In this digitally evolving era, organizations are expected to develop and deliver quality software products with short-span delivery cycles. Previously, testing was only conducted after product development. But the changing digital trends call for software testing during various stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Organizations fail to cater to these changes that either result in a compromise on quality or delay product release. Both situations can harm an organization’s goodwill. As a result, independent software testing companies have made their way into the software testing arena – making it less of a hassle for all teams. 

An Unbiased Testing Approach

Independent software testers implement a proactive and neutral approach to testing and analyze software without any bias. Independent testing involves various tests performed by multiple software testers, who are not a part of the product development team. These testers are ‘independent’ because they are not associated to the producer or consumer. They conduct independent testing for web apps and mobile apps including iOS and Android. Independent software testing involves testing experts working in isolation from development teams who are solely responsible for identifying quality issues in applications. Testers introduce innovative technology and research and development (R&D) to achieve product quality. 

Let’s have a look at how an independent software testing company can contribute to an organization’s success strategy:

Independent Software Testing allows more Flexible Solutions:

Independent testers devise testing strategies that are flexible enough to pace up with the ever evolving market needs. They choose between manual and automation testing based on each organizations’ requirements. Independent software testing deploys the best expertise for switching between manual and automated testing processes. Similarly, there are time zone variations too, that are covered by testers. Since they work independently, testers provide flexible working hours and ensure updating their status reports on a daily or weekly basis. 

Independent Testers Work on Quality Assurance:

A reputable independent software testing company emphasizes on quality assurance. Their teams are un-bias during the entire testing process and make sure their product meets the technical and client requirements without compromising quality. 

They Reduce Maintenance Costs:

Since independent software testers work in isolation from the development teams, their main focus is on the product quality. They adhere to client requirements and address future needs, which vouches for reduced maintenance costs. Due to low failure rates, the rigorous testing efforts have a high success rate. 

Faster Testing Life Cycles:

Organizations that hire an independent software testing company experience short-lifecycle and improved time to market. Having access to test automation experts allow faster testing life cycles. Testers adhere to timelines and meticulously handle client requirements. 

Transparency of all Testing Activities:

The increasing demands for quality products in a short-time span call for independent software testing companies with ready infrastructure experienced testers and testing tools. Picking an independent company involves full transparency of testing activities, tool integrations, and flexible testing solutions. However, they may be some limitations like time-zone barriers, communication issues, etc. which can still be addressed. Although the independent testers need to be more precise about their availability during working hours and allow easy communication, it is still the best option available for organizations looking to pace up with the digitally transforming world. 


Independent software testing is a secret ingredient to an organization’s success in the existing digital era. Instead of burdening your development teams with software testing, outsourcing is the right choice to make. It allows developers and QA teams to focus on internal activities of the business and leaves the testing work for independent software testers. 

 At Kualitatem, we provide offshore software testing services that focus on improving software quality across various industries. We provide high-level support by utilizing our proven test processes, testing experts, and comprehensive software testing tools. Since our independent testers are not involved in the development process, they deliver quality services to meet all functional and non-functional requirements.