
Comparing QA Services: Consulting vs. In-House

qa testing

With the world of technology evolving more and more every year, the pressure of creating the best application is becoming bigger as well. This is why quality assurance has become essential, as it can put your product high up in the market.

However, when it comes to choosing your QA testing services, you have one big question in front of you: should you outsource or create an in-house department? In this article, we will compare both options so that you may make a decision.

Benefits of QA Services Consulting

There are several benefits to opting for QA services outsourcing, which includes the following:


Having an in-house testing team can consume financial resources, as you’ll have to pay each individual and the QA testing tools they use. By outsourcing, you employ the services of an already-formed team, which can save money in the long run.

Access to Expertise

Developing a product requires a different set of skills than testing. By outsourcing, you get access to top-tier talents that know the best practices. This way, you can ensure the quality of the product.

Faster Results

A good testing company will likely employ a variety of tactics, including QA test automation. Not only can this bring more precision, but it will also take mere minutes to obtain the data. This should allow you to get your results faster.


When the requirements of a software product change, you need to scale your in-house team accordingly. Not only does this require extra effort but may also add to the expenses. Outsourcing to a quality assurance software testing company provides you with a better possibility to scale your product without extra effort.

Advantages of In-House Testing

In-house testing brings a few benefits that you may want to keep in mind, including:

Better Cultural Fit

Having an in-house software testing department may lead to better collaboration and a good cultural fit. Each member has the same mission and vision, which allows them to keep a strong eye on the goal. All that’s needed is a good communication system between them and the stakeholders.

More Control

When you have an in-house QA team, you are in full control of it as it is undergoing the procedures. Provided you hire high-rated professionals who do not take much supervision, this may be extremely beneficial for you.

More Understanding

An in-house team will likely be immersed intimately in the daily tasks of the developing staff. Since they work together with the developers, they may have a better understanding of the projects. However, this can also lead to a false sense of security, which is why outsourcing to an unbiased provider might be the preferred alternative.

The Bottom Line

Both in-house testing departments and outsourcing to QA services management can bring advantages. You just need to determine what’s more important for you when developing a piece of software. In-house services offer you control and involvement, whereas outsourcing has the potential to be more accurate and less expensive.
