Meeting Customer Expectations While Testing

- May 13, 2016
- admin
In the developed world there is an age old adage, “customer is king”. This is not far from the truth. Without meeting the demands and expectations of the customer, a company can neither thrive nor turn profits. The key word for these companies is certainly expectation. Once you meet a customer’s expectations, you will not only get repeat business but will also be able to build a name in every corner.
It is no different in the software testing world. Companies worldwide in the current times invest billions in applications testing and software quality assurance. Efficient testing not only ensures that one meets the demands of the customer but also means quality and reduced costs. Hence software testing needs to meet both.
Customer satisfaction hence becomes the key. Simply put, it not only measures that whether the services and products of the company satisfy the customers or not but also goes beyond the very expectations of the customer. This sheds light on the simple rule. A satisfied customer is not only repeat business, he or she is the best referral.
Meeting these expectations is an uphill task. Companies have specialized testing frameworks and methods, as well as, bespoke approaches to meet the growing expectations of the customers.
This growing expectation is ever present in the software testing world. The list is long and the task is arduous. The customer always has great many options and normally customers will have their own set of questions to evaluate or assess the company before engaging them for work. This assessment speaks volumes about the expectations that are deep set in every question that the company has to answer.
First and foremost would be the question that whether the software testing company has the requisite competence to deliver the work and produce expected results or not.
This naturally leads to the question of experience that the company has in the area of work that the customer wants to focus on at any given time. The customer will want to know whether the company has carried out similar software testing in the field or not. Whether similar work has been successfully concluded before. The list of expectations goes on ad nauseam. The company at times is bound to run sooner or later into the perfectionist and that is the benchmark of any good software testing company. To meet the expectations of the perfectionist.
If a company is focused and serious about meeting customer demands and expectations then they must have a dedicated team of professionals who are not only focused on software test quality and performance benchmarks but also have bespoke testing frameworks and specific testing methods to address various types of issues that one may face in testing. This team should also conduct internal and third party audits to understand their shortcomings and have a fair assessment to evaluate whether they are meeting customer expectations in the real world.
The best in the software testing world hence never forget the mantra when it comes to delivering quality and cutting edge solutions, ‘’you want to be the best in software testing, never forget, customer is king.’’