
Why Do We Conduct Testing?

Conduct Testing

This is the first question that comes to the mind of the QA panel that why there is a need to test. To answer this question, we need to understand the nature of testing. We need to test every software so that we have the full confidence when releasing a product so that all major risks are handled beforehand. Often testers and non-testers have different opinions regarding why do we test. The best solution is to devise a test policy accepted by all stakeholders and managers of the company.

What’s the Test Policy?

The test policy explains overall all test objectives. It includes organizational values and goals. This test policy is created through mutual understanding of management and stakeholders which will help solve the issue. A question that arises is why we need to test from the management to the down hierarchy of QA panel.

Test Policy Document:

Test policy should be documented in the test policy document. The policy document is short and it mainly comprises of one or two pages. It covers the business value of testing (both intangible and tangible), objectives of testing, basic test process to be followed and stakeholder satisfaction metrics.

A Process for defining Objectives and Test Policy:

1. Interviews Workshops with Stakeholders:

Typical objectives include:

  • Find defects and should not miss the important defects.
  • Make the software confident enough for the release.
  • All information should be provided so that the important decisions for the workflows could be taken.

2. Draw a List of Objectives:

Use the results of all stakeholders and testers to draw the conclusion to create a list of important objectives. For each objective asks following questions;

  • What would it mean to be effective in achieving the objective?
  • How should we achieve the objective in a way that it satisfies the stakeholders?

3. Review Objectives with Stakeholders:

Have a meeting with the stakeholders to get their feedback on the document. Get it approved by the stakeholders and then proceed to the next step.

4. Devise Metrics:

Devise metrics for each objective

For example, for finding defect

DDE= (test defects)/ test defects + production defects)

Such metrics can help in the effectiveness and efficiency of the product

5. Baseline Current Capabilities:

  • Compare current capabilities using the metrics such as the test management tool to gather the underlying data
  • Compare measurements against expected results
  • Targets should be defined for the metrics

6. Create the Test Policy Document:

The following features need to be addressed:

  • Objectives
  • Metrics
  • Targets
  • Business value of testing, tangible, intangible
  • Basic test process
  • Continuous test process improvement

7. Review and Finalize the Test Policy:

  • Review the policy in the end with stakeholders
  • Incorporate changes with stakeholder feedback
  • Finalize and release the document


If the stakeholders agree on the testing objectives, this can lead to a simpler testing process. Why we need test policy? We actually need the test policy to basically make sure that we know why we are testing.